Blog tasks: Daily Mirror case study


1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages (you may want to add an example for each from our Daily Mirror CSP):

Masthead: Title 
Pug: promotes exciting news
Splash Head: Front headline
Slogan: Remarkable phrase 
Dateline: When it was published
Byline: Authors name
Standfirst: Introductory summary about newspaper

2) What is the main story on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror (see above)? Make sure you learn the headline and what the story is about.

About Gary Lineker and how he got kicked out off the BBC for criticising Rishi Sunak.

3) What is the 'pug' or smaller celebrity story on the front cover? Why might it appeal to Daily Mirror readers?

A actor on a TV soap opera.

4) Why is the choice of news stories, content and page design on the Mirror CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?

Soft news with images.

5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?

There is more images than smaller text.


1) What political party does the Daily Mirror support? Is there any evidence to support this in the CSP pages we have studied?

Labour, the red connotes to labour party and they support Lineker

2) How does the Daily Mirror represent Gary Lineker in the CSP pages? Why do you think they present him in this way?

They show him as being smug than disappointed than upset. A paparazzi picture is used to show him as authentic and appeal to a lower/middle class audience as he is in casual clothing, walking his dog.

3) How is the BBC Chairman Richard Sharp represented in the Daily Mirror CSP pages? Look particularly at the use of images on the front cover and the section on Sharp on the inside page. Give detailed answers with evidence from the CSP pages.

He is seen as guilty through the image of him and his seem as selfish as they talk about how he has bought an expensive house.

4) How are the Conservative Party represented in the Daily Mirror? Again, provide evidence from the CSP pages to support your answers.

They are represented as snobby and greedy like when they talk about BBC chairman's new purchase of a expensive house.

5) Read the main articles on the inside pages. How are different people, groups and organisations represented in the Daily Mirror? Does this reinforce or subvert the stereotypes we usually see in the media?

It reinforces stereotypes ad it says how the upper class people are more snobby and selfish.
