Summer Project: coursework planning

1) Research: health drink TV adverts

Innocent Drinks

1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 

How it tastes good but also does good and helps others and your own health.

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.

I think this is aimed at teenagers to young adults because of its ethical values but also their appeal of the good it does for the consumer as well as others. I also believe that their target may also be in the psychographic group of the explorers as it shows there money made from buying the drink being used from all around the world and also learning that these drinks are different and help the consumer well.

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. You may want to focus on TV advert conventions such as voiceover for example. 

There's a lot of pack shots which is done to establish a strong, recognisable brand image. They also include a lot of high key lighting to reflect the enjoyment and refreshment the consumer gets from drinking their product but a lot of images of fruit and flowers show the good of this product.

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.

The brand itself shows itself as good, and healthy and establishes a loyal customer and brand relationship by showing the healthy benefits of the drink. They also show that they give 10% of each sale to charity and show that the company has ethical, superior morals than other healthy drink brands.


1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 

The USP is that it gives energy and that it almost allows you to reach other limits, and helps you get better at things because of the energy it gives.

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.

I think this is aimed at teenagers and young adults as it shows a man's casual lifestyle, in the streets of London going to a corner shop which is a typical lifestyle for this target group however they show the character doing typical actions while hula hooping reflecting how this drink allows them to manage a busy lifestyle. The psychographic group would also be the explorers or the succeeders as it shows itself as unique but also available.

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. You may want to focus on TV advert conventions such as voiceover for example. 

I like the multiple settings as they build a narrative and also reflect a convectional lifestyle of their target audience which whelp lead Lucozade to their success.

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.

They have a black character that we follow throughout the advert we show him doing hula hooping while doing typical activities giving a good representation of the black community.


1) What is the unique selling point of the product? 

The USP is that it is easy and convenient to prepare.

2) What audience do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain why.

I think it is aimed at the aspirers or the sucseeders as it appeals to a busy lifestyle as they want to reflect their convenience but also healthy product.

3) What do you notice about the technical construction of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. You may want to focus on TV advert conventions such as voiceover for example.

They show many angles but also voiceovers and texts that tell us the benefits and convenience of the product,. The many angles show how the product can help in a busy lifestyle.

4) What representations can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself.

They represent them self as flexible and healthy while trying to establishing a relationship with future loyal customers that may find an appeal in their USP.

2) TV advert planning 

1) What brand of health drink are you going to use? You can use an existing drink.

Huel Ready-to-drink

2) New slogan for the health drink (MUST be original - cannot be existing slogan): 

Fuels you, Huel

3) Main character(s) that will appear in your adverts: 

My friend will play a girl with a busy life as a 16-17-year-old, learning new skills as she grows but also trying to get through the day with Huel.

4) Narrative: What will happen in your first advert? 
Someone trying to cook while on a study break of 30 minutes, trying to be healthy, as the process is long the video has a shortcut to where they pause and get Huel instead simple and easy but healthy giving them more time to be productive.

5) Narrative: What will happen in your second advert? 

After babysitting, a girl has no time to cook as she has to look after the kids and instead of staying hungry she remembers Huel and takes it from the fridge, feeling energised and nourished.

6) Where will you film your adverts? You need a different location for each advert.

In a study environment and a household.

7) Who will be in your adverts? 

A babysitter, a student and children who needed babysitting for the plot.
  • My friends
  • My cousins
8) What music will you use for your adverts? What voiceover will you use and who will you use to record the voiceover? Note: for music you can use existing music tracks.
  • Charli xcx - 365 (Instrumental)
  • Charli xcx - 365
  • Charli xcx - 360 (Instrumental)
  • Charli xcx - 365 
  • AI voice over
9) How will your adverts appeal to your 15-30 year old target audience?

I will show two busy lifestyles of a student or a job which this age range will be able to relate to.

10) What TV channel and programme would your advert appear during and why? Remember the brief states a mainstream TV channel or streaming service. 

ITV or Channel 4

3) Statement of Intent

For my coursework, I will be using the drink Huel Ready-to-Drink. For this product, I am aiming to show how this product is extremely beneficial in a busy lifestyle, no matter your situation whether you are running late or are looking to be more convenient and productive in your life as it "Fuels you, Huel" which will be my running slogan throughout these adverts.

I plan to meet the brief by recording freely with no limits but during the editing process check the length of my videos and cut to the time limit of 40-60 seconds. My narrative will include my friend and my cousins for one advert being about babysitting in relation to being the most convenient and fast you can during a busy situation. In my other advert, I will feature my other friend ending her study session and only having a 10-minute break. However, she's hungry after a hard study session and without any time to cook, she would look around for ingredients but remembers Huel. She grabs a bottle and brings it back to her desk, ready to enjoy. For both of my adverts, I want to use tracking while the characters go get Huel. I also want to use cuts to reflect how Huel is faster than a whole meal prep and it's short and snappy to use. I want to use high-key lighting for that happy and bright feel. I will use both non-diegetic and diegetic audio as I will add on some music at the end which will feature the packshot of the product. One advert will take place in a busy household and the other will take place in a study room and kitchen and a staircase. For both adverts, I will frequently use texts to mention the nutritional  factors of the drink reinforcing that it is a healthy drink.

I will have primarily Asian actors who are female. Yes, I understand that this is a lack of diversity however, I believe this would still appeal to a modern-day audience because these are people of colour working hard and having an easy and happy lifestyle and seeing women now being able to go to school, work hard, get jobs and make it all more convenient with Huel. I think my characters will challenge stereotypes because we see women working hard and not being dependent on men but it also reinforces stereotypes like "all Asians are smart" or that "women work in maternal jobs". However, I truly believe I can represent a successful lifestyle through this advert from the actual plots to the ease that Huel gives even the details for the high-key lighting (which demonstrates happiness) will support that this advert is here to show that Huel eases and helps maintain a successful lifestyle because of the convenience allowing full productivity.

My advert will target audiences between the age of 15-30. By showing my two characters learning and growing into new, busy and stressful experiences all people between these ages can relate. The struggles of time management can be relatable to anyone no matter what age so by showing how this product really helps someone during a heavy schedule or a busy lifestyle to effectively get a successful ending by being so convenient all people in this age range will understand that this product could help them because of there struggles of time management because of the convenience. My advert will offer the audience pleasure of personal identity because they may be able to relate to these heavy, busy schedules.
