Doctor Who: Audience and Industry blog tasks


1) Who is the target audience for Doctor Who? Do you think it has changed since 1963?

The target audience was mainstream as it was streamed at 7 for all family members top watch and enjoy. However, I don't think this has changed as much as there is still content to this day that appeals to all audience one way or another.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

Personal Identity: Audiences may identity and relate with Susan as she's seen as strange or weird but also a normal, rebellious teenager.

Personal Relationships: Some audiences may continue to watch to see what happens to the teachers and Susan.

Diversion (Escapism): By going to other worlds or eras of the earth audiences may use this as escapism and diversion.

Surveillance: (Information / Facts): Audiences in 1963 would be interested to watch to learn about science because the fact the space race was happening during this time which would intrigue a 1963 audience.

3) What additional Uses and Gratifications would this episode provide to a modern 2020s audience?

They may watch for surveillance to see how shows were produced during that time of age and to see how much we have developed with technology. 

4) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to An Unearthly Child?

We can apply vicarious pleasures to this episode as audiences can experience time travel from the teachers or Susan.

5) What kind of online fan culture does Doctor Who have? Give examples.

The Whoniverse is where all the spin-offs, podcasts and other Doctor Who related things are. This is made for Whovians who want to watch and learn more about the show.


1) What was the television industry like in 1963? How many channels were there?

There were 2 shows, BBC and ITV.

2) How does An Unearthly Child reflect the level of technology in the TV industry in 1963?

It allows us to think about how much technology has changed as they did not have as advanced technology as we do now.

3) Why is Doctor Who such an important franchise for the BBC? 

Doctor Who makes a lot of revenue for the BBC but is also part of British popular culture.

4) What other programmes/spin-offs are part of the wider Doctor Who franchise?

K-9 is a show made for children about Doctor Who's robot dog. There is also a spin-off about one of his companions, Sarah Jane.

5) Why does the Doctor Who franchise have so much merchandise available? Give examples. 

They have a lot of merch as it's a good way for the fans to show their support of the show like buying a t-shirt or figurines. 
