BLACKPINK - How You Like That: Blog tasks


1) What are BLACKPINK fans known as - and what would the demographics / psychographics be for the BLACKPINK audience?

BLACKPINK fans are called "Blinks" and the demographics + psychographics would be teenage girls who enjoy Korean culture and embrace the independence of women.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by the music video for How You Like That?

They offer entertainment as the video features many settings and a variety of concepts through out the video.

3) Pick out three particular shots, scenes or moments in the video that would particularly appeal to BLACKPINK fans. Why did you choose those moments? 
  • In 2:23 the girl is shown as dominant through the camera angle which appeal to Blinks as it shows her as independent and strong.
  • In 1:33 the background dancers as shown to wear feminine but all black and mysterious outfits which appeal to Blinks as it shows impoverishment in women.
  • In 1:44 they appeal to Blink by displaying their friendship and power.

4) How was the How You Like That music video marketed and promoted to the audience?

They included many aesthetics to be more mainstream and inclusive.

5) Why is K-pop a global phenomenon and what has helped it to become so popular?

They have capturing performances but also their inclusivity and mainstream appeal.


1) How were BLACKPINK formed and what records have they broken?

They were formed by a company and they have the highest amount of views for a premiere.

2) What other successful artists have YG Entertainment created? You may need to Google this.

They've formed AKMU and BABYMONSTER.

3) How has technology and the internet (known as technological convergence) changed the way audiences consume music videos?

It's easier to promote music and is more accessible for people to watch and stream music and music videos.

4) How do BLACKPINK and K-pop show that the media and music industries are now global?

They talk in English and Korean to seem more inclusive but when they have more of a mainstream audience they would start singing in more Korean lyrics as they already have a loyal fanbase.

5) How are UK-based music videos regulated and what types of content require warnings? 

The BBFC says content with sex, drug abuse and nudity should require warnings.
