Film Poster Analysis:
Language - This poster shows the audience the genre of this movie, which would be a comedy. We can tell this by this poster's colours/aesthetics, for example, the way the actors are dressed up or the quote "She's everything. He's just Ken" which contrasts our society and could show some aspects of satirical jokes. This shows that the movie is aimed at teens more than any other age group. However, the colour pallet creates some sort of innocence which could be another example of this movie being seen as childlike although the movie is about our society and life as a female. Industries - Barbie was produced by Warner Bros and based on Mattel's product, Barbie, which is now associated with"childhood" or with some aspect of sexism with older products which is what they may have used to base the movie on which again is shown in the quote "She's everything. He's just Ken" written on the poster. Since its release it has grossed $1.3 billion globally and has surpassed the movie "Super Mario
Bros." Representation - This poster shows us a woman being more dominant and praised which tells us she's looked upon as "better" as there's a male in the background who's looking at her mesmerised which shows that he is more submissive. This shows a major contrast to our society as the stereotype about gender is that men are more dominant however this poster shows the opposite as the female is shown as being more independent in this poster. Audience - This movie is based on Mattel's product Barbie which could show some nostalgia to the age group it is aimed at as Barbie connotes "childhood". However, the colour palette and the movie being based on a doll would bring in an audience of younger children even with the meaning of the movie. The movie brings in people because of the slogan and the name of the movie. This is because it allows many people to see something that they recognise. This is especially applied to mostly females between any age range. However, barbie is most talked/advertised about by teenagers or 13-20.
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